
Importing Symbols

This Tutorial will demonstrate how to import symbols into Investor/RT. The topics that will be covered include:

Can you explain what the wicks or tails of Renko charts represent?

The tails of a Renko candlestick represent the high and low prices achieved in each bar, just like any other periodicity.  Traditional Renko chartists are accumusted to plotting Renko bars without the tails.  This can be achieved by changing the style of the bars to Wickless Candles (right-click in chart and choose "Style: Wickless Candles").  However, plotting Renko with a style of "Candlestick" and thus showing the wicks or tails can provide some important additional information regarding how high and how low price moved during the formation of that Renko bar.

Multi-Pane Charts Quick Start

  • Creating, Opening or Saving Charts
  • Import or Export Chart Definitions
  • Add or Delete an Indicator
  • All about Pane Titles
  • Charting or Comparing Multiple Symbols
  • Add a Chart button
  • Min.,Max. or Restore a Chart
  • Change the Periodicity
  • Change the Instrument
  • Adjust the Viewing Period
  • Adjust Space at the Right Edge of the Chart
  • Multi-Linking Charts
  • All about CrossHairs
  • All about the Chart Highlighter

Keyboard Shortcuts

General Program Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcut Result
Alt + O Key Opens the Object Manager
Alt + P Key Print
Shift + Alt + P Key Takes Picture of Front Window
Alt + C Key Create New Chart (Chart Setup Wizard)
Alt + R Key Opens the RTL Editor Window
Alt + G Key Start Data
Alt + K Key Stop Data
Alt + N Key Open Window Manager
Alt + 6 Key Opens a Data Download Window
Alt + 4 Key Opens the Data Status Window
Alt + 5 Key Opens the System Status Window
Alt + V Key Verify Database
Alt + B Key Backup Database
Alt + U Key Opens the Database Wizard
Ctrl + E Key Opens Export Data Window
Alt + 7 Key Opens the Import Data Window
Alt + 9 Key Opens the View/Edit Data Window
Alt + 8 Key Opens the Playback Window
Alt + A Key Opens an Instrument Setup Window
Shift + Alt + A Key Opens Alarms Window
Alt + Y Key Opens a list of Preferences
Alt + ] Key Next Layout
Alt + [ Key Prior Layout
Alt + M Key Open Message Log
Alt + L Key Show/Hide Layout Toolbar
Alt + T Key Show/Hide Active Toolbars

Deleting a Technical Indicator from a chart

There are two ways to remove technical indicators from a chart window. The easiest way is to just select the indicator, by clicking on it or tabbing to it, and then hitting the "delete" key on your keyboard. Alternatively, you can click on the green trashcan icon on the charting toolbar, select the element you would like to delete from the list that presents itself, and then click "OK".

Eliminating Whitespace, Gaps

Toggle Whitespace

Here is how to eliminate the whitespace that can occur when a market is closed due to a holiday, abbreviated trading session, trading halt, or any other reason. If the chart has periodicity time per bar and you would like to collapse the whitespace, right click the chart and choose Periodicity-> Other; uncheck the Whitespace for Non-Trading Periods box as shown below. Keyboard shortcut Shift+8 (the asterisk key).
