
CW DeltaLegDistributed (@ES#)

Delta of each leg is spread out over all the bars of the leg (in addition to showing the developing delta of the leg). This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 14.1.5 showing symbol: @ES#.

IRT MrTopStep ES (@ES#)

This Investor/RT chart of the ES is a 10 minute chart showing with previous Friday highlighted in gray. The yellow lines show the developing high and low while the pink lines show previous session high and low. The blue line marks the previous session c. This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 14.1.3 showing symbol: @ES#.

IRT MrTopStep Bonds (@US#)

This Investor/RT chart of the Bonds is a 10 minute chart showing with previous Friday highlighted in gray. The yellow lines show the developing high and low while the pink lines show previous session high and low. The blue line marks the previous session c. This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 14.1.3 showing symbol: @US#.
