
DoubleTopsEOD (@ES#)

Double Tops and Double Bottoms still naked at EOD. This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 12.6.9 showing symbol: @ES#.

RSI MaxFavExcursion (@ES#)

Chart computes max favorable excursion after an RSI cross above 50. Use buttons to control number of days lookahead, and the RSI periods. This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 12.6.8 showing symbol: @ES#.

VolumeCandlesWithPVP (@ES#) 3

Volume Candles with Trade Dots, PVP, and MPH. Use the buttons at top to adjust the high volume at price filters (blue and yellow highlighting). This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 12.6.8 showing symbol: @ES#.
