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  1. Looking for a Broker with a good reputation

    ... however you can route an order to your clearing firm via IRT/IQ Feed. I.E. I have done this with my broker when I didnt want to pay for ... it on. I dont know how AMP works but I can still see the open P&L from my broker. The more conventional way is to run IRT with the ...

    WAYNE CHANDLER - 06/04/2018 - 09:44 - 8 comments

  2. Market-By-Order - MBO

    ... and stoploss. it will be a great addition to our beloved IRT tools. happy trading ahmed 0 ... bookmap data, you have to code it out in Java on their open API, which is an absolute beast that I have not been able to crack.... If ...

    ahmed - 06/19/2020 - 06:55 - 10 comments

  3. Tutorial - Options Quotepage

    The following steps will guide you through the process of setting up a quotepage to calculate and monitor these Option Analysis values: ...

    linnsoft - 02/15/2015 - 16:34

  4. How do I create a cumulative daily A-D Line for the S&P 500 (or any other custom group of stocks or symbols)?

    ... values for each stock in our quotepage "SP500" and return that total. STAT will in turn take these resulting values and accumulate ...

    linnsoft - 11/07/2014 - 11:47

  5. Point and Figure Charts

    ... When the desired instrument is identified, press enter or return to switch the point and figure chart to the selected instrument. Point ... the OK button. If you have a traditional chart window open, e.g. a bar chart with volume, and you wish to switch to a point and ...

    linnsoft - 04/07/2015 - 17:44

  6. Harmonic Rotation Study

    Forums:  Homework, Research, and Statistics This chart identifies market ... If you have any additional requests or suggestions for this homework study, or if you have any questions about the chart, then indicators, ... ZIG ZAG OSCILLATOR HOMEWORK ...

    cpayne - 09/28/2020 - 10:52 - 0 comments

  7. I have a scan that I would like to run every 5 minutes throughout the day, but I would like a quotepage to accumulate all hits throughout the day and record the time of entry into the quotepage. How can I do this?

    ... result). And then setup a schedule to run maybe at session open or 1 minute prior to session open....that runs this scan and auto-saves ... says "closing price is less than -100"...which should always return FALSE for all symbols and therefore result in an empty quotepage...and ...

    linnsoft - 04/09/2015 - 19:08

  8. How do I sum the % chng of multiple instruments?

    ... = -1 If the signal was +1 then we took long at the open. If the signal was -1 then we took short at the open I want to basically do the same thing in IRT so that I can build a study and get the probability of sucess and do other ...

    joshdawson - 04/07/2022 - 12:40 - 7 comments

  9. Backtesting and debugging

    ... Hello, I am new at backtesting with IRT. The system I want to test is pretty simple. I want to look at previous ... I backtest? I am looking to really understand backtesting in IRT. The ability to pull data in any shape or form with IRT is amazing. I then ...

    joshdawson - 10/05/2018 - 19:48 - 0 comments

  10. Feature request-Jigsaw like dom

    ... Forums:  Trading from Charts Hello, IRT does pretty much everything better then the rest. It would be awesome to ... when I am just trading one contract. Now I have Rhitmic open and I usually place the orders thought them. Som time they sync on IRT ...

    joshdawson - 04/17/2020 - 22:14 - 2 comments
