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Search results

  1. Startup Manager

    ... Startup Manager, you can start Investor/RT with no charts open. Then open charts one by one to find the chart causing the problem. Once the ...

    scooke - 06/02/2017 - 11:39

  2. Chart Slide Shows

    To display a slide show of Instruments, open a QuotePage containing those Instruments and on the QuotePage Toolbar, ... is used to mutli-link each symbol in turn into associated open chart windows, i.e. each open chart having the same color code (or color ...

    linnsoft - 04/09/2015 - 16:55

  3. Data Validation

    ... database, is only removes them from the chart window. If you open another chart of the same instrument that does not have a data validation ... indicator will "fix" any bars where the relationship between open, high, low, and close is invalid (e.g. close less than low). The "fix" ...

    linnsoft - 04/22/2014 - 13:40

  4. Trading From Charts with Button Indicator

    ... order. A third button is demonstrated which flattens any open positions. Limit orders may be dragged to a different price, or revised ... be cancelled by clicking the X on the reference line, and open positions may also be flattened by clicking on the same X on the open ...

    linnsoft - 09/25/2024 - 04:20 - 0 comments

  5. Config: RangeBarAltMethod - Alternate Range Bars

    ... trade outside the range specified to begin a new bar.  The open of each bar will always be one tick outside the range of the previous ... and begins a new one at the same price.  So each bar will open where the previous bar closes.  The bar is completed when it satisfies ...

    cpayne - 08/13/2015 - 15:35 - 0 comments

  6. Alarms, Special Preferences

    ... by checking Up or Down for the designated alarm. Gap Open is the difference between closing price and opening price on the following ... Alarm box. You will receive visual notification by checking Open a Notification Window. If Investor/RT is minimized or hidden and an alarm ...

    linnsoft - 10/18/2014 - 15:45

  7. The difference between Daily and 1 Day* Periodicities

    ... bars from the exchange and receives back 5 values; Open, High, Low, Close and Volume for the session. These values are calculated by the exchange using what they deem to be the official open and closing price and the Volume that occured between the Open and Close. ...

    scooke - 10/07/2024 - 08:03

  8. Formula Tokens

    ... HI High price of bar OP Open price of bar PRICE Represents the user selected value of ... of type "y" (Exponential, for instance) OI+ Open Interest for up days or bars OI- Open Interest for down ...

    linnsoft - 10/20/2014 - 09:30

  9. Heiken-Ashi and Ichimoku Kinko Hyo

    ... window. HA Close = (OP + HI + LO + CL) / 4 HA Open = (CL.1 + OP.1) / 2 HA High = MAX(HI, HA Close, HA Open) HA Low = MIN(LO, HA Close, HA Open) Green and ...

    cpayne - 12/19/2017 - 09:48 - 0 comments

  10. Multi-Session Volume Profiling

    ... from your data source. Each daily bar has five values:  open, high, low, close and the total volume for the day. The daily bars have no ... use of a different periodicity. Right click the chart and open the Chart Preferences window. Select the Period Tab and click ...

    linnsoft - 11/07/2014 - 11:47
