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  1. Setting Preferences

    ... new objects of that type are created. For example, when you open a new chart window, the chart window is created with a prescribed height ... actually opening the new chart window. Once an object is open, the characteristics of the object may be modified by the user overriding ...

    linnsoft - 04/29/2015 - 05:29

  2. In RTL how can I use the same technical indicator token multiple times within the same formula? Is there a way to use other RTL object names directly in the formula?

    ... do much or all of the token setup work. To see the effect, open the RTL Setup Window (Setup: Scan or Setup: Signal). The setup window will ... without pre-defining the tokens and without user prompting. Open a new scan setup window and enter the formula ma_twenty.1 < ma_hundred.1 ...

    linnsoft - 04/09/2015 - 19:41

  3. Tips - Not Marked Intraday

    What it means to mark a symbol for Intraday Monitoring ...

    linnsoft - 10/21/2014 - 07:39

  4. Modify Opening Range System

    ... Thanks 0 ...

    robmak - 08/02/2019 - 13:48 - 1 comment

  5. Open-Test-Drive and Open-Drive algorythm

    ... Hi, how would you set up an algorythm for detecting an Open-Test-Drive or an Open-Drive? In it's written that OTD is more difficult to evaluate, and I think the ...

    fraquo - 08/29/2018 - 11:59 - 0 comments

  6. Moving Averages (MA)

    ... are available as the input data for each smoothing type: Open, Close, High, Low, HI+LO/2, HI+LO+CL/3, O+H+L+C/4, %Change, or OP+CL/2. In ... MA (the 20 is exponential) on my 13-minute chart. I use the IRT variables to accomplish this. I really use these to tell me when not to ...

    linnsoft - 09/25/2015 - 09:53

  7. RTX Development Video Series

    ... video in this series overviews the power, flexibility, and open-ended possibilities available for extending Investor/RT charting and ... The ability to access the results of any built-in IRT indicators, as well as the ability to draw array results using any of the ...

    linnsoft - 03/25/2020 - 09:46

  8. HW ORS OpenInRange (@ES#)

    Homework - Open In Range Statistics. This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 14.1.5 showing ...

    cpayne - 09/08/2020 - 10:37 - 0 comments

  9. HW GapRangeStudy (@ES#)

    Homework - Open Gap days and how often they result in range being established in first 30 ...

    cpayne - 05/10/2021 - 14:26 - 0 comments

  10. Setting Multiple V#'s to Zero

    ... That is awesome! Thanks for all the help! There is a reason IRT is the hands down the best platform out there. You guys rock! ...

    Yeti - 06/28/2022 - 08:56 - 8 comments
