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Search results

  1. Point and Figure Charts

    ... of rising price movement, the O columns falling prices. New columns are added whenever the price trend changes according to user ... must move in the opposite direction to warrant starting a new column. Point and figure chart windows show the X's and O's for one ...

    linnsoft - 04/07/2015 - 17:44

  2. RTL - Investor/RT Language

    RTL is the Investor/RT Language, a formula language for composing trading signals, custom indicators, and scans. RTL is an end user language, designed to be used by those with little or no programming skills. RTL is used to write a formula. A...

    linnsoft - 07/21/2016 - 09:39

  3. Setting up InvestorRT for Forex markets

    ... True. Then go to File > Preferences > Sessions and create a new session with the same start and stop time. Below are the market ... are generally considered the best times to trade. New York and London Overlap — 8:00 am to 12:00 noon ET Sydney / ...

    linnsoft - 05/12/2024 - 18:43

  4. TrendTool (RTX)

    ... how: First Invoke the TrendTool drawing tool to add a new trendline, Then Hold down the Control key Mouse down anywhere and ... key drawing method to add another major trend line for the new new visible range of bars. TrendTool has the option to show ...

    william-linn - 12/19/2022 - 12:38

  5. Technical Indicator Scope

    ... within the chart are automatically associated with the new instrument. In Version 5.2 we have considerably expanded the flexibility of ... is one that you want to appear in all chart windows. The new periodicity and ticker buttons are excellent candidates to be designated as ...

    linnsoft - 10/10/2014 - 09:13

  6. Volume Candles

    ... overhaul during the last few updates of Volume Candles as new options were added, and existing options were moved around.  The Profiles option is now at top and titled "Background" with various new drawing options including Volume Profile, Shaded Block, and Bid Ask ...

    cpayne - 12/21/2016 - 07:12 - 20 comments

  7. AV arrays during Optimization

    ... useful. But AV arrays do not update automatically with new values if I change my code or set some new parameters within the trade system. I find that once the AV array has been ...

    Michael Kucks - 06/27/2018 - 05:08 - 0 comments

  8. Installing on a Solid State Drive (or any secondary drive)

    ... that entire directory (the InvestorRT folder) to your new Drive (for example F:\InvestorRT ). Right-click on the Desktop and choose New > Text Document . A file icon will appear on your desktop. Name the new ...

    linnsoft - 11/30/2020 - 09:39

  9. Using Exportdata indicators to generate Bookmap Cloud notes

    ... levels, just copy and paste the quoteboard indicator on that new chart, or add selected reference line indicators (linked to V# variables). ...

    Eddy - 03/10/2025 - 08:04 - 0 comments

  10. Volume Breakdown (VB)

    ... resulting from the accumulation of every transaction since a new high of the price bar was achieved. Any time the price bar makes a new high, the "COT High" delta resets to zero and builds from there. ...

    linnsoft - 08/15/2024 - 15:37
