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  1. Add or Remove Holidays

    ... Important You may add lines containing new holidays using the format that you see in the existing file. Please make sure the new lines you add are in Date order with the rest of the lines for that year. ...

    scooke - 11/26/2018 - 08:32

  2. How do I setup a forex instrument with IB and IDEALPRO exchange?

    ... can be downloaded directly from IB. You may also enter new ticker symbols directly into a quotepage. When configured for IB, ... id. For example, you may enter JPY.USD:IDEAL:33 into a new row in a quotepage and Investor/RT will define a new Forex instrument with ...

    linnsoft - 04/08/2015 - 17:11

  3. Config: RangeBarAltMethod - Alternate Range Bars

    ... outside the range.  That tick will be the first tick of a new bar.  So essentially, price must trade outside the range specified to begin a new bar.  The open of each bar will always be one tick outside the range of ...

    cpayne - 08/13/2015 - 15:35 - 0 comments

  4. Volume Profiling non-Time Based Charts

    ... and these times are not known until after a bar closes and a new one opens. Example One A user with a 10,000 Volume chart might ... to profile the Initial Balance period between 9:30 and 10:30 New York Time. To do this, he adds a Profile Indicator with these start and ...

    linnsoft - 06/09/2015 - 15:01

  5. Tutorial - Options Quotepage

    The following steps will guide you through the process of setting up a quotepage to calculate and monitor these Option Analysis values: ...

    linnsoft - 02/15/2015 - 16:34

  6. Tutorial - Relative Performance Charts

    ... in Investor/RT, first choose from the main menu, "File: New: Chart". Specify the following settings for your new chart... ...

    linnsoft - 10/23/2014 - 05:33

  7. Investor/RT Dictionary of Terms

    ... when it is first created. For example, if you were create a new document in a word processor such as Microsoft Word, and you chose "File:New". That the blank document that results actually has several default ...

    linnsoft - 04/10/2015 - 18:58

  8. suppress dialogue boxes for backup and update

    ... By default, Investor/RT checks for the availability of new general releases of the platform on each startup. If one is available, ... will inform you later when you exit the application that a new version is ready to install and ask if you wish to install it as part of ...

    MDavid - 05/19/2021 - 07:46 - 4 comments

  9. User Variables (V# Variables)

    ... is the format you should specify when you import. Thus, this new capability to import V# variables makes it possible to extend Investor/RT ... (control-click if Mac) on any column heading and pick "Add New Column" from the popup menu. The twenty V# variables are all listed (under ...

    linnsoft - 10/17/2019 - 16:53

  10. Trying to make sense of different VWAP results and SESST

    ... upon how you try to retrieve its value. So i setup a new chart and put all the different variations of VWAP that can be made using ... Anyhow, back in Version 11, a dozen of new volume-related price sources were introduced, including VPOC (Bar), ...

    dmavro - 03/27/2024 - 16:19 - 2 comments
