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Search results

  1. VolumeScope™ Improvements in Investor/RT 13.5

    ... RTX Indicator in Investor/RT 13.5. These include new title options Volume Brick and Delta Percent, Button Indicator support, ...

    linnsoft - 10/29/2018 - 19:00 - 0 comments

  2. Alarms Preferences

    There is a new Preferences window entitle Alarm Preferences which can be accessed by ...

    linnsoft - 07/15/2016 - 16:42

  3. Live Market

    Forums:  General Support I am new to IRT and cannot figure out how to get the live market price to show on my ...

    Logan Brokaw - 10/05/2023 - 12:08 - 0 comments

  4. TPO Volume Filter coloring

    ... Profiling and TPO Charts Hey folks, I am new here and am currently trying to learn the ropes. Is there a way to ...

    MarcOh - 05/05/2023 - 20:36 - 1 comment

  5. "Paint" bar based on BSTAT condition

    ... Found this:" DeltaPercentSignal (@ES#) New" which basically answers my question. What videos and/or documentation ...

    s-adkins33 - 08/29/2018 - 08:46 - 3 comments

  6. Zig Zag Volume Value/Labels Explained

    ... this bar terminates) and the rest of it is allocated to the new leg (which this bar begins).  So on a pivot bar that finishes an up leg, ...

    cpayne - 01/02/2023 - 15:21 - 0 comments

  7. Tips - Current Price Indicator

    This tip explains how to use some new options on the Reference Line indicator to produce a nice dynamic current ...

    linnsoft - 08/11/2024 - 19:15

  8. Tutorial - Creating Your Custom Trading System

    The first decision you must make when building your trading system is what bag of securities you would like to monitor, study, and ultimately trade. This is a very important decision and not...

    linnsoft - 10/23/2014 - 05:28

  9. Charts not Updating unless I hit Spacebar

    ... to manually hit spacebar for the chart to update. I open new charts and nothing seems to remedy this. What setting will change this? ...

    Edward01 - 03/28/2019 - 21:56 - 1 comment

  10. Multiple (Mixed) Periodicity Charts

    ... will update dynamically, tick by tick. Now, when adding a new indicator to this chart, you can choose whether to attach it to the ...

    linnsoft - 02/16/2015 - 07:13
