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  1. Bid/Ask Information on Chart

    ... how would I do it? If there is another way to do this from RTL that would be great. TKS! 0 ...

    Edward01 - 09/20/2022 - 10:47 - 2 comments

  2. CP OpenStats Shajjad Edit (@ES#)

    ... I want but in a more chart interactive way as opposed to RTL. Permalink ...

    Shajjadhirani - 05/28/2022 - 18:40 - 2 comments

  3. Paint Bars

    ... 10 periods. First, create a "scan" named "Above MA" with the RTL formula: CL > MA Where the MA moving average token is defined as a 10 ...

    linnsoft - 10/12/2014 - 03:52

  4. Wave Study

    ... we want to analyze what happens in the next 2 waves. In RTL, we will need to be access the prices of a, b, c, d, e, and f. This ...

    cpayne - 12/09/2020 - 15:02 - 3 comments

  5. How do I make quotepage with all the symbols in two other quotepages? How can I add all symbols from another quotepage into an existing quotepage?

    ... can do this kind of quotepage merging easily using an RTL scan. Suppose you have two quotepages named “PageA” and “PageB” and ...

    linnsoft - 12/15/2015 - 11:08

  6. Indicator of indicators

    ... of an indicator, let's say MA of CCI, just do this in RTL... MA(CCI) But if you want to reference data of another ...

    David Peters - 12/26/2018 - 09:06 - 1 comment

  7. Back Months Continuous Contracts

    ... adjusted), just the plain numbers. I found the DAYS token in RTL but that doesn't seem to work. 0 ...

    Alex Savin - 01/10/2019 - 13:33 - 0 comments

  8. Homework #24: Engulfing the Pre-30

    ... seen in the video were not accurate due to an error in the RTL syntax.  The chart definition has been replaced and the correct stats are ...

    linnsoft - 01/19/2016 - 13:27 - 1 comment

  9. How do I create scans or signals to find Candlestick Patterns such as Hammer, Inverse Hammer?

    ... indicator directly to a chart, or you can access it in the RTL language. For instance, your signal that looks for a Hammer would be: ... SUPPORT rtl-language getting-started-with-rtl ...

    linnsoft - 01/27/2017 - 03:05

  10. Keyboard Shortcuts

    ... Wizard) Alt + R Key Opens the RTL Editor Window Alt + G Key Start Data ...

    linnsoft - 02/19/2025 - 08:17
