
How do I delete all my symbols except those in two user-defined quotepages.

You can do this manually, by opening the .All Symbols quotepage and deleting the symbols one at a time, by clicking on the ticker symbol in the quotepage and then clicking on the red trash can icon in the quotepage toolbar. You can delete ALL the symbols by clicking on the "Ticker" column heading and then clicking on the red trash can icon on the quotepage toolbar. However, that will remove the symbols from other quotepages as well.

You can create a scan (File > Open > RTL) as shown below:

I have a scan that I would like to run every 5 minutes throughout the day, but I would like a quotepage to accumulate all hits throughout the day and record the time of entry into the quotepage. How can I do this?

First, I would create a quotepage...and make sure it's empty at the begin of each session. Let's say the quotepage name is "myQP". You can empty it by just opening and clicking the green trash can on quotepage toolbar (You could also probably do this with a scheduled scan in order to automate just before each session).

Now, let's assume the syntax for your scan is:


You'll just need to change the syntax to:

QP = "myQP" OR (MA > MA_A AND MA.1

What is the "QuotePage Browser"?

A tool called the QuotePage Browser has been added to the MS Windows version of Investor/RT. The browser window presents lists of quotepages (System Quotepages, User Quotepages, Recent QuotePages) and the instrument ticker symbols for each quotepage. User-defined quotepage groups and subgroups are also shown in an indented outline format. Any group can be expanded or collapsed by double-clicking on its name.

The Change, %Change, and/or Prev Close columns in the quotepage are showing incorrect values.

The quotepage Change value is computed as a difference in price from the Prev Close (Previous day's closing price) quotepage column. Some market data sources update this previous close value each time you log in, while others do not. Those that update it automatically should reliably show accurate Change, %Change, and Prev Close values.

If your data source does not supply this value, a custom column may be created to simulate the Change column. The Profession edition of Investor/RT is required to create a custom indicator to compute these values.