
Highlighting Area on Multiple Charts

Highlighting Area on Multiple Charts

This video demonstrates how to highlight a rectangular region on one chart and have that same region (price range and date/time range) highlighted on other charts containing the same symbol.

Duplicating FT71 Charts

Duplicating FT71 Charts

This video demonstrates how to duplicate FT71's composite and intraday charts and how to set them up properly for other symbols such as Crude Oil.

Tutorial - Updating Charts

If you're in a situation where your data feed is active and your charts are static (frozen), try stepping through this checklist until your charts update properly.

Tutorial - Relative Performance Charts

This trader's tip will discuss creating a Relative Performance Chart in Investor/RT as seen below ...


To create a Relative Performance Chart in Investor/RT, first choose from the main menu, "File: New: Chart". Specify the following settings for your new chart...


Multi-Pane Charts

This video offers novice and intermediate level users of Investor/RT a tutorial on Multi-Pane Charts.

Here is a list of Topics covered along with the time within the video that the topic is covered:

Raw Tick Charts

See Also: Raw Tick Chart Prefences

The Raw Tick Chart provides a new perspective for viewing real-time ticks in Investor/RT. The chart does not consider the time elapsed between ticks, but instead places each consecutive tick equal distance apart.

