
Tutorial - Three Line Break with a Custom Indicator


Now, let's create a custom indicator involving the TLB token. To create a custom indicator, go to "Setup: Custom Indicator", and setup the indicator based on the settings below.

Then save the custom indicator with a name like "TLB_REV" (for Three Line Break Reversal indicator).

In this custom indicator, we have set the TLB token up to use the data element "Rising?". As mentioned on the previous page, this token results numerically in a value of 1 when rising, and 0 when falling. Based on this, let's take a closer look at the syntax of our custom indicator...

Tutorial - Creating Your Custom Trading System


The first decision you must make when building your trading system is what bag of securities you would like to monitor, study, and ultimately trade. This is a very important decision and not necessarily an easy one. Will you be tracking the Nasdaq 100, the Dow 30, the E-Mini, S&P Futures, Microsoft Options? The choice is up to you. If you haven't made this decision yet, then maybe you have some more research to do before proceeding. In our example, we'll track the Nasdaq 100.

Custom Price Preferences

See Also: Custom Prices


Custom Prices

A powerful new feature is available in Investor/RT that allows the user to access Custom Indicator values anywhere that the "Price Type" options are available.

Custom Prices

A powerful feature is available in Investor/RT that allows the user to access Custom Indicator values anywhere that the "Price Type" options are available.

