
Daily Price Based Statistics

Daily Price Based Statistics

This video discusses how to calculate and present various daily price based statistics. For example, how often did we open inside the previous days range. And of the days we opened in range, how often did we touch or breach both the previous day high and low, and what are the percentages of these conditions happening. It also discussed how to involve value area high and low and initial balance high and low in these statistical calculations.

Daily Periodicity Volumes don't match Intraday

Charts that utilize a periodicity of "Daily" will show a different quantity of Volume when compared to charts that utilize an intraday periodicty like 1 minute or 1 Day*. This is caused by the fact that certain types of trades, such as block trades, spread trades and market trades, are considered by the exchange when reporting the cumulative daily volume for a specific symbol or contract. However, those trades are not represented in the tick or 1-minute intraday data for the symbol. These trades together make up the difference observed between the daily volume and the sum of the intraday volume.