Extreme Price Highlighter

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Last seen: 1 year 12 months ago
Joined: 03/30/2009 - 00:00
ExtremePriceHighligher - EPH (RTX)

The ExtremePriceHighlighter (EPH) is a powerful RTX extension that identifies and highlights extreme prices over various periods with respect to volume-at-price data. EPH operates on the volume-at-price data within each bar; it finds the extreme prices over multi-bar periods with options including Last X Days, Last X Bars, and Visible Bars. When Visible Bars is selected, EPH identifies the extreme prices within the visible bars of the chart. The highlighting updates dynamically as you zoom or scroll the chart, or as new bars form in real-time.

ExtremePriceHighlighter (RTX)

EPH operates on the volume-at-price data within each bar and finds the extreme prices over multi-bar periods with options including Last X Days, Last X Bars, and Visible Bars. When Visible Bars is selected, EPH identifies the extreme prices within the visible bars of the chart. The highlighting updates dynamically as you zoom or scroll the chart, or as new bars form in real-time. Highlighting options include Top X, Top X%, Bottom X, and Bottom X%.

Using Buttons to Control ExtremePriceHighlighter Variables

This video demonstrates how to use the Button Indicator to dynamically control key periods in the ExtremePriceHighlighter (EPH) including number of prices highlighted as well as number of bars or days considered in the period. The video also demonstrates how to select the EPH indicator when it is drawn behind the VolumeScope indicator by holding down the shift-key.

ExtremePriceHighlighter (RTX)

ExtremePriceHighlighter (EPH) is a powerful RTX extension that identifies and highlights extreme prices over various periods with respect to volume-at-price data.