
Homework (RTX)

Homework (RTX)

Where does price go based on where price opens?

The Homework (HW) RTX Indicator is designed to compute and accumulate price-based statistic on daily data. The indicator is focused on percentages of touching or closing above key prices based on the where price opens the day session. The statistics are placed in buckets based on opening positions of Higher Outside Range (HOR), Higher Inside Range (HIR), Lower Inside Range (LIR) or Lower Outside Range (LOR).

CP TouchedPrevClose (@ES#)

Counts the number of days that price touched the prior close. In our study, price touched previous close on 1048 of 1803 days (58.1%). This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 15.1.7 showing symbol: @ES#.

HW TouchPrevHighLow (@ES#)

How often did we touch previous days high, low, or both looking at the ES Day Session only. This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 15.1.1 showing symbol: @ES#.

CP IB RangeExtended Stats (@ES#)

Percent of days IB range was extended up or down, and how often when extended up or down, it extends 50% and 100% in the same direction. Use the Any button at top to enter a custom percentage. This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 14.2.7 showing symbol: @ES#.

HW GapDnRangeStudy (@ES#)

Gap Up and Gap Down Days. How often is the HOD and LOD created in first X minutes on days that gap up or down. Gap (in ticks) and X Minutes both controlled by buttons at top. Gap is day sesison open vs previous day session close. This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 14.2.6 showing symbol: @ES#.

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Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 03/30/2009 - 00:00
Initial Balance Break Bracket Statistics

Chart identifies which bar or bracket FIRST breaks the Initial Balance. 2nd pane identifies which bar first breaks the IBH (3 represents 3rd 30-min bar or 3rd bracked or C Bracket - Also 1st bar following the completion of IB). 3rd pane identifiees which bar/bracket first breaks the IBL (Initial Balance Low = low of 1st 60 minutes of day session).  And the 4th pane identifies which bar/bracket first broke out of the IB (either direction).

HW DayOfWeekHighLowExtended (ESH1)

The day session high and low of each day of the week is extended through the week until it resets on same day of week on following week. This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 14.2.6 showing symbol: ESH1.