
BD MWD 28 04 (BD#)

Monthly/Weekly/Daily/16 minute charts on a single mutipane. This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 13.2.8 showing symbol: BD#.

POT InverseOfTime (@ES#)

Pace of Tape - Lower Pane computes an inverse of the time it takes to complete each bar. A smoothing of time is used for that denominator with the smoothing period specified with button. The numberator is also specified with button > 100 / MA(Time, 5). This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 13.2.8 showing symbol: @ES#.

InverseTimeRate (@ES#)

Indicator in lower pane computes 100 / time (in seconds). Larger value for faster bars and faster moves. The denominator is the 3 bar average of time (in seconds). This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 13.2.8 showing symbol: @ES#.

POT Delta Of Pace (@NQ#)

Pace of Trade - Delta of Pace - Middle pane plots the difference between the number of trades that occurred at ask minus the number of trades that occurred at the bid. Bottom paints the delta a gradient of green (positive) and red (negative). This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 13.2.8 showing symbol: @NQ#.

POT Relative Pace (@NQ#)

Pace of Tape - Relative Pace - Middle pane plots the number of trades (pace) and bottom pane shows the pace relative to avergae of past 5 days (same timeframe). Lower pane requires chart to be time based (1-min, 5-min, 10-min, etc). This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 13.2.8 showing symbol: @NQ#.

PaceOfTrade RelativePace (@NQ#)

Pace of Tape - Relative Pace - Middle pane plots the number of trades (pace) and bottom pane shows the pace relative to avergae of past 5 days (same timeframe). Lower pane requires chart to be time based (1-min, 5-min, 10-min, etc). This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 13.2.8 showing symbol: @NQ#.
