
FT71 DAX Intraday

This chart needs to be assigned to a custom DAX session from 2am EST to 4pm EST. (adjust properly for your time zone)

FT71 DAX Composite

This chart needs to be assigned to a custom DAX session from 2am EST to 4pm EST. (adjust properly for your time zone)

FT71 Euro Intraday (Day Session Profiles)

This is a 60-minute candlestick chart of the EuroFX with the split session volume profiles using the Profile Indicator. The Profiles are split into 3 different periods/sessions. The first session goes from 7pm to 3am ET (Tokyo Market, 480 minutes). The 2nd session goes from 3am to 8am ET (London Market, 300 minutes) and the 3rd session goes from 8am to 4pm ET (US Market, 480 minutes). For this chart to work properly, the Euro (@EU# on DTN IQFeed) must be setup with a session from 7:00pm to 4:00pm ET Sun-Fri (adjust times appropriately for your time zone).

FT71 Euro Composite Profile

This is a chart of 1260-minute bars of the EuroFX. The 1260-min bars provide pseudo-daily bars of only the day session data. For this chart to work properly, the Euro (@EU# on DTN IQFeed) must be setup with a session from 7:00pm to 4:00pm ET Sun-Fri (adjust times appropriately for your time zone). See Forex Trading Times A composite profile is added to the chart using the Profile Indicator setup with a "Time Per Profile" of "All Bars".

FT71 ES Intraday (Day Session Profiles)

This is a 3-minute candlestick chart of the ES with the day session volume profiles using the Profile Indicator. The Profile Indicator is setup in such a way that, if the user changes the chart to use session 31, the profiles will be split into one profile for the overnight period and another for the day session period. In the lower pane is the per-bar volume. The light blue stepped line is the VWAP. The slightly darker and smaller blue line is the midpoint of the day (this line requires Pro). The yellow lines are the IB high and low (high and low of first 60 minutes).

FT71 ES Composite Profile

This is a chart of 405-minute bars. The 405-min bars provide daily bars of only the day session data (whereas the normal daily bars include the overnight period). A composite profile is added to the chart using the Profile Indicator setup with a Time Per Profile of All Bars. This forces the profile to include all the data in the viewing period of the chart. This chart is setup with a viewing period of "05/16/08 to present" and may need to be adjusted going forward per FT71.
