charts Videos

Investor/RT Chart Setup Made Easy This video provides several tips and shortcuts that make creating Investor/RT charts quick and easy. Version 12.5 is used for this video. WATCH
Gridlines This video discusses dotted vs solid gridlines and demonstrates how to customize the gridline frequency both horizontally and vertically. WATCH
Point and Figure Charting This video is going to highlight the point and figure charting capability. WATCH
Managing Different Objects This video is going to discuss how to manage different objects in an Investor/RT, including symbols, quote pages and charts. WATCH
Renko Charting Capabilty This video is going to demonstrate the new Renko charting capability of an Inverstor/RT. WATCH
TPO Profile Charts in version 8.5 This video discusses many of the recent innovations in TPO Profile charts, including Singles, Naked POCs, individual profile splitting, custom letter colors, sharing of charts, and more... WATCH
Traditional Charts This video is going to cover some of the features of the Investor/RT candle and bar charts, the traditional charts, and some of the keyboard shortcuts and tricks available for those charts. WATCH
More Mixing Periodicities This video demonstrates how to plot the any indicators current value from any chart, on any other chart. In our example, we plotted the daily Volatility Stop on a 3-minute chart as a horizontal reference line. WATCH
Charting Essentials: New Charts, Chart Templates, and Chart Shortcuts This video covers the essentials for creating and manipulating charts in Investor/RT. It's packed with essential tools and shortcuts for building and fine-tuning new charts and for using those fine-tuned charts as chart templates. Every Investor/RT user should become familiar with the information... WATCH
Volume Profile Chart Style This video demonstrates the Volume Profile charting style along with the ability for bars to load Volume at Price data, and how this positively impacts the VWAP, Profile, and Volume Breakdown Indicators. WATCH
Plotting Time-Sensitive Prices This video below demonstrates how to plot reference lines on multi-pane charts for various key time-sensitive prices including the previous session close, the current day session open, the overnight high and low, the opening range (OR), initial balance (IB) and several IB multiples. These concepts... WATCH
Multi-Pane Charting Essentials This video discusses the important basic elements of traditional multi-pane charts including creating charts, changing the symbol or periodicity, and sharing charts. WATCH
Multi-Pane Charts Webinar This webinar covers the following topics: Adding multiple symbols to a chart Charting multiple periodicities Tabbing between elements Keyboard manipulation of indicators and drawing tools Exporting indicator data Duplicating indicators Element drawing order Recalculation... WATCH
More Pronounced Opening Line This video describes how to create a more pronounced line separating the sessions in a multi-pane chart. WATCH
Charting Relative Performance This video demonstrates how to plot the relative performance of multiple symbols on a percent change basis within a single chart. WATCH
Manipulating Multi-Pane Charts This video covers many aspects of customizing multi-pane charts including colors, periodicity, symbol, scaling, scrolling, and much more. WATCH
Highlighting Area on Multiple Charts This video demonstrates how to highlight a rectangular region on one chart and have that same region (price range and date/time range) highlighted on other charts containing the same symbol. WATCH
Moving Indicators Between Charts This video demonstrates how to quickly and easily move indicators from one chart to another while retaining the indicators settings. WATCH
Duplicating FT71 Charts This video demonstrates how to duplicate FT71's composite and intraday charts and how to set them up properly for other symbols such as Crude Oil. WATCH
Multi-Pane Charts This video offers novice and intermediate level users of Investor/RT a tutorial on Multi-Pane Charts. Here is a list of Topics covered along with the time within the video that the topic is covered: Topics   Creating a New Chart   :36... WATCH
RTL Lesson - Initial Balance Multiples This video demonstrates how to add the Initial Balance as well as Initial Balance Multiples (IBH1.5, IBL2.0, etc) to multi-pane charts. It discusses how to add these both to day session and Globex session charts, as well as how to add to rangebar, volumebar, and tickbar charts. WATCH
Profile Management and Clean-Up How to better manage and clean-up overlapping profiles and bars in multi-pane charts. WATCH
Chart Spacing This video demonstrates various methods and shortcuts for managing space in Multi-Pane charts. WATCH
Adding and Removing Chart Lines This video shows techniques for quickly adding and removing multiple reference lines and trendlines in charts. Updated for version 10.3. WATCH