Multi-Pane Charts

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This video offers novice and intermediate level users of Investor/RT a tutorial on Multi-Pane Charts.

Here is a list of Topics covered along with the time within the video that the topic is covered:

Creating a New Chart   :36
Saving your chart re-opening an Existing Chart 1:13
Changing the Instrument 2:08
Changing the Periodicity 2:43
Adding a Technical Indicator 4:12
Editing a Technical Indicator 5:09
Overlaying Technical Indicators 5:32
Dragging Indicators & Panes 6:14
Saving Indicator Defaults 6:55
Showing/Hiding Pane Titles 7:15
Deleting Chart Elements 7:40
Striking Fast Reference Lines 8:04
Adding a MA to an Instrument 9:11
Changing the Chart Style 9:42
Changing the Look back period 10:30
Show/Hide Crosshairs 12:21
Shortcuts for Controlling Scales 13:06