SSIM Token doesn't work past 30 days

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Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 07/19/2018 - 03:43
SSIM Token doesn't work past 30 days

When I adjust the view period of a chart to span more than about 30 days, the SSIM token is not working. It does not return a value. I have attempted different view periods and periodicities, and verified the indicators are working and it does work for a shorter view period. An example chart definition is below, featuring a simple signal for SSIM. Adjusting the view period you will see that it works for short periods but going out past 30 days the value turns to 0.

System Simulator

Your best bet is to open a support ticket attaching a chart definition so we can see how you are using the indicator, which symbol, which signals, etc. There is no limitation that I am aware of here other than how much data you have on file for the symbol in question. If you have fewer than 50 days of  tick data on your database, Investor/RT will construct simulated tick data for the most recent 50 trading days by default using one minute bar data. You can set the configuration variable SimulateTickDataDaysBack to a longer period of days back assuming your data retention settings are sufficient. Check your data retention settings for the symbol easily by clicking inside the chart in question and pressing Alt A. In the instrument setup window at bottom you will see your data retention settings. Click the gear icon there to adjust. If you adjust your intraday settings to say 300 days of intraday data and you want your SSIM indicator to work back 300 days, then right-click in the chart and do a Full Data download. Set configuration SimulateTickDataDaysBack  to 300 in the File > Preferences > Configuration window.

If you still are having any trouble seeing results more than 30 days back, please open a support ticket and we will investigate further.

Thanks for the response. I

Thanks for the response. I already converted everything to use the TSYS token and that one is working, so I will just use that for now.