[solved]Cannot find "Trading Strategy" in the Object Manager

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Daniel Diemer
Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
Joined: 05/26/2020 - 13:05
[solved]Cannot find "Trading Strategy" in the Object Manager

Hey all, I'm new to Investor/RT, I love it so far, but cannot figure out how to setup an OCO.

I've found this, which is exactly what I want, but I cannot find the Trading Strategy in the object manager as the article states. I found trading order, trading note, and trading system but none of these seem to be what I'm looking for.

What am I missing? Does this depend on my connection type? I'm connected through R Trader Pro to my Rithmic paper trading account.

Thanks all

Last seen: 3 weeks 1 day ago
Joined: 06/03/2011 - 00:00
Trading Strategy in Object Manager

Trading Strategies are supported for order routing systems CQG, Gain, and RIthmic. By default, InvestorRT users operating with these routing systems will see Trading Strategies listed as an object type in the Object Manager. Some users have elected to customize the object manager using File > Preferences > Object Manager so that only certain object types are shown.This simplifies the presentation of Object Manager but it excludes object types available to you. If you have elected to exclude Trading Orders from the object manager then you will not see trading related objects such as Trading Orders or Trading Strategies. Enable Trading Orders in preferences, close and reopen the Object Manager and you will then see Trading Strategies listed. Note that you can create your own trading orders that embed a strategy and initiate that trading order using a button in a chart for example. Or you can simply setup various named trading strategies and select the one you wish to use in the ChartTradingDOM.

If you ever sense that something is missing from Object Manager, best bet is to visit Preferences > Object Manager and select Show All Available Object Types. This is a quick way to see everything available to you before you begin excluding things.



Daniel Diemer
Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
Joined: 05/26/2020 - 13:05
Please Refer to Image

I guess I did not make my question clear enough. Please refer to attached image.

I'm trying to follow the instructions in the link but I cannot. I've tried clicking on "new" under "Trading System" which you reference, but that looks like an automated strategy setup, I don't want that, I want the "Trading Strategy" setup window that is shown in the linked article, but I cannot find out how to get there.

You can see that I have all Available object types shown.

So I guess I'll ask again at the end, is this not enabled under a paper trading Rithmic account then? Is that the problem or am I missing something else?

Thanks Again

Last seen: 3 weeks 1 day ago
Joined: 06/03/2011 - 00:00
Trading Strategy in Object Manager

There was a typo in my post, now corrected, where I used Trading System when I meant Trading Strategy. So I see that you do include all available Object Types in Object Manager and Trading Strategy does not appear. This indicates that you do not have Investor/RT configured for Rithmic order routing. You apparently have Investor/RT setup with market data source Rithmic and brokerage destination (order routing) set to the built-in trading simulator. When the "Simulated" account is setup for trading, Investor/RT will not show Trading Strategy object types because trading strategies are not well supported by our built-in trading simulator. There is limited support, but as I said, the order routing must be CQG, RIthmic, or Gain. The best way for you to test these OSO/OCO strategies is to use Rithmic as your brokerage destination.You can setup your RIthmic connection to log into Paper Trading and then you must set the trading account you wish to use. Add a button to any chart setup with purpose Set Trading Account and in the button setup just enter a ? as the account to set. This makes a menu button you can click to choose between Rithmic order routing account(s) associated with your login or "Simulated" which is the name we use for the built-in trading simulator account. Once you are connected with Rithmic and have a Rithmic account set using the button, open the object manager and RT will detect you are using Rithmic order routing and offer the Trading Strategy object type for  selection, then click New to make one.

This issue you are having, I think, is that you have not yet set an account and therefore RT detects you are not using Rithmic order routing. There is also an obscure configuration variable named SimulatedTradingStrategies you can set to TRUE using Preferences > Configuration.When this is set true, RT will allow you to setup Trading Strategies even when you are using the built-in trading simulator. We do not recommend testing strateiges this way since the full complexity of OSO and OCO order routing is not well supported by the internal simulator. With this variable set true you will see Trading Strategies in Object Manager even when you are set to use the Simulated account instead of your Rithmic account name.

Daniel Diemer
Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
Joined: 05/26/2020 - 13:05

Ah, OK, I appreciate that explanation. That not only solved my problem but I understand it now at a better level than before, so thanks for taking the time to write all that up. I'll mark the original thread as solved.

Thanks again!