I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out how to import data from these two RTX indicators into Bookmap cloud notes, to no avail. Could somebody kindly post a template or some remedy for my malady? I will store the files locally on my hard drive. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated!
I'd be really interested in how this is done too.
Assuming you can get your data into V# variables, you should be able to use the Export Data indicator to export to a file of any format you need. I'm not clear what format Bookmap is looking for, but you should have the flexibility with ExportData to do what you need to do. Watch this video on ExportData: https://www.linnsoft.com/videos/exportdata-rtx
And let me know if you have any questions.
greetings Chad, all;
I have the export data working fine per IRT instructions. i use the system stats and a couple other V# for Settlement for example. The trick is the setting up the IRTinput file and output file in the Bookmap format. my problem now is pushing the data to bookmap from my computer rather than a cloud source, works perfect from Google sheets but I can't figure how to push the ITR output file up to google sheets efficiently or directly to bookmap from this machine?...
in case it might help i have attached the input and output files for ES rithmic excel files here...
all the best,
Doesn't Google Drive give you a local folder. If so you can direct ExportData to save the results to that folder. And it seems you should be able to setup Google Drive to synch the local folder with the server on a schedule that works for what you're doing. I'm not real familiar with Google Drive but let me know if you uncover anything on that front.
combine the bookmap+irt fortmat and if you use the link(CHANGE EMBED>DOWNLOAD) boom
I tried to use that web address for levels for the Flex Levels indicator under Remote site. The whole thing didn't fit. The end got cut off. Any way to get this to work?
the full "share link" will not work. you need to make it "downloadable" (if that is a word? also the file must be CSV.
i don't use sheets but google drive. for my bookmap i use a link to my own computer.
for Google drive you need to change the url around. https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id="File name. in your above example it is after the "e/" and before the next /.
if you have IRT on the trading computer (or a file system like Dropbox of Google Drive.) then file://The full path to the csv file works great.
anyway both work great.
so good luck