Total Range of All Bars on The Day

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Last seen: 21 hours ago
Joined: 08/09/2018 - 10:41
Total Range of All Bars on The Day

Whether I am using a Time or Tick based bar, what would be the easiest way to take the total "Range" of all the bars in the Session or on the day as a whole and see the total accumulate range. I know how to get the, lets say 10 bars total range thru RTL, but I cant seem to find an efficient way of finding the total range of all bars on the Day or over a certain time frame. Probably right in front of me, thanks for the reply if somebody know. If you need more info, or a diagram let me know.

Last seen: 6 months 5 days ago
Joined: 07/30/2014 - 16:18
Hi Edward,

Hi Edward,
this can be achieved with the following (very simple) Custom indicator syntax :
SUM(MA,POS) with
MA defined as the H-L range
POS defined as the number of bar since the start of the session
so the number of bars used in the SUM is "dynamic" and will adjust with every new bar, while the SUM reset at every start of session....
IRT RTL language is really powerful for defining such request
(btw, there are other ways to achieve the same results, but this is the most straight forward..)
Just did a quick chart here :

PS : if you need any other "cumulative" stat, just pick another "fundamental" value from the list of the one available in the MA list
aka, you could get number of trades, buy volume, etc ..

Last seen: 21 hours ago
Joined: 08/09/2018 - 10:41


Oh man, as much programming as I do, I hadn't thought of that... Great stuff! I really appreciate you taking the time to make that chart too, thanks a lot, its a huge help! Theres always a way to do what you need to get done on IRT, just a matter of finding it!