TickSize for product

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Last seen: 3 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 05/09/2014 - 00:00
TickSize for product

Is there a way to assign the product "TickSize" to a a C or V value?
And is there a way to display the tick AND tick value on the chart?

TINC Token

You can use %TINC in a variety of contexts including Annotation indicator as seen below.  You could also set a V# to TINC with SET(V#1, TINC) in a scan.  Does that give you what you're looking for?

That gives me what it is on

That gives me what it is on the chart but if I just pull up a chart how can I assign it to a C# value




But I cant seem to add it to the chart

Not the cleanest way to do it