
Identifying Symbol Groups in QuotePages

We'll need to create a scan that we'll use to set a T# variable (we'll just use T#1 in our case) to the name of the quotepage (or something close to that name). We'll assume for this example that you have 3 quotepages with names of "GroupA", "GroupB", and "GroupC". The syntax of our scan will be as follows: SET(T#1, GroupA)

How are Forex symbols setup for the Interactive Brokers data source?

The IB Version now supports improved setup and chart backfill for currency pairs, e.g. EUR.USD, JPY.USD, etc. When adding such instruments via the Setup: Instruments window. choose "Forex" as the security type. IRT automatically sets up the Underlying Symbol and the Currency for the instrument by extracting this information from the ticker symbol, e.g. the ticker EUR.USD results in EUR as Underlying and USD as currency.

How do I setup a forex instrument with IB and IDEALPRO exchange?

When using Interactive Brokers ( IB ) with Investor/RT, there is a simple setup and chart backfill for currency pairs, e.g. EUR.USD, JPY.USD, etc. When adding such instruments via the Setup: Instruments window. choose Forex as the security type. Investor/RT automatically sets up the Underlying Symbol and the Currency for the instrument by extracting this information from the ticker symbol, e.g. the ticker EUR.USD results in EUR as Underlying and USD as currency.

Customizing the Main Toolbar

To customize the icons on the Main Toolbar, go to Setup: Preferences: Main Toolbar. Use this window to choose which buttons you would like to appear in your main toolbar:

Object Manager

The Object Manager is an essential tool in Investor/RT. Understanding its role is important for new users.. Please take the time to review this article thoroughly and familiarize yourself with the Object Manager as this feature is critical to your success with Investor/RT. The Object Manger serves as a "central hub" in Investor/RT to mainipulate (Open, Edit, Delete, etc.) most of the elements within the program. It serves as a "Jumping off" or starting point to reach amost any Object including the following:

Symbol Guide

The main future markets, as listed in our different symbol guides (for DTN and the various brokerages) do not require any kind of additional setup. In case one of the less frequently traded markets would not be included in Investor/RT default instrument database, you have the ability to create a new instrument type, with possibly a new session reference (if none of the existing session hours would be adequate). Do not hesitate to open a support ticket, if you face any issue with this process, or if you would like us to add such a new instrument type in our database.

My layout toolbar has disappeared. How do I get it back?

Right-click inside the message area of the main toolbar and access the Layout Toolbar submenu. You can choose to pin the toolbar to the right of the main toolbar, or bring the toolbar to the center of the screen. Once the layout toolar is visible, you may, of course, reposition it as desired by dragging it with the mouse.

Clock offset "N" seconds in my Message Area

Periodically, market data servers send Investor/RT a time of day notification to ensure that the user's computer clock is in sync with the server. When the time of day sent by the server, which we consider authoritative, is offset more than a second or two from the current time of day on your computer clock, this message will appear. It indicates a condition that should be corrected. It is important that your computer clock be set to the exact hour/minute/second every day.
