
Rollover calendar

This rollover calendar gathers the most frequently traded US futures contracts (CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX/ICE)
  • The blue column highlights the symbol of the current front-month contract (as per the rollover calendar rules used by IQFEED / DTN MA to build their continuous contract) 
  • The red cell is the next rollover date (end of day) for that front month contract
  • For a given market/exchange, all futures with similar rollover calendar are gathered in the same table 

Rithmic Symbols

Updated Sun, 09 Mar 2025 12:11 EDT

1-US-Treasuries & Financials

Continuousmar25 (Previous)jun25sep25
30 Year Treasury Bond@US#ZB

Rithmic Symbol Guide

Rithmic Symbols

Note: Exchange setup is required for Rithmic whereas most other Datafeed providers use "Auto." For other symbols not listed here, use the Symbol Lookup feature within R Trader.

Rithmic Market Data and Order Routing


These instructions pertain to Investor/RT users who use Rithmic order routing. This includes users who employ IQFeed, for example, for market data and RIthmic as brokerage destination and, of course, users who employ Rithmic as their data source as well.

Rithmic - Getting Started

Step One - What you'll need to start:

  • Be sure you have a Subscription or trial of Investor/RT.
  • It is recommended that your Linn Software subscription includes DTN Market Access. This is a Historical Data service backed by DTN and marketed by Linn Software. This is a more robust Historical Data offering than what most brokers offer. Click here to learn more about DTN Market Access. There is no charge for it while you are on trial.