These instructions pertain to Investor/RT users who use Rithmic order routing. This includes users who employ IQFeed, for example, for market data and RIthmic as brokerage destination and, of course, users who employ Rithmic as their data source as well.
The Rithmic Setup window in Investor/RT 14 and higher (Data->Setup Rithmic or Data->Setup IQFeed/Rithmic) features an improved user interface and expanded connectivity choices for the Investor/RT Rithmic trader. Like the Rithmic R | Trader Pro software, connectivity choices are organized into various Rithmic Systems (Rithmic 01, Rithmic Paper Trading, TopstepTrader, MES Capital, etc.) with a separate choices of the Gateway to use for each system. The screenshot below illustrates the expanded choices for "Rithmic 01" which is usually the system used for Real money accounts:
When connecting to the Rithmic for Paper Trading system more gateways for international traders are supported :
For example, the TopstepTrader system, gateways for traders in Europe/Frankfurt, Singapore and Tokyo are available.
Please check with your brokerage or your prop firm for the relevant "System" and "Gateway" that you should use. We are regularly updating the system and gateway lists. If your connection point is not listed in our menu, please contact support so that we can update our connection points database accordingly.
Consolidated tape features : the Rithmic 01 system now supports a gateway Rithmic calls MDP3 Summary. This connection point delivers summarized (consolidated) trades rather than the more detailed transactions executed to fill an order. Thus, this choice of connection supplies market data in a form like the Consolidated Tape feature available to users of DTN IQFeed market data.
Review of the 2 optional checkboxes of the "Connection Point" Menu
- "Aggregated quotes" : except in very rare situations, do not check this "aggregated quotes" option, otherwise, you won't receive a true tick per tick data stream that is required for many Investor/RT indicators (such as the VolumeScope, Trade Bubbles, Volume Breakdown, etc), but quotes that have been aggregated every 300 or 500 ms, without the bid ask information associated with each individual trades
- "Connect via R Trader Pro Gateway On this machine" : if you are using R Trader Pro in plug in mode (see below), do check this box. If you keep this box unchecked, Investor/RT will connect directly to the Rithmic server (without going through R Trader Pro). In that situation, you will not be able to connect to your Rithmic account using another application (either R Trader Pro or another Rithmic compatible 3rd party trading software)
Using Rithmic R | Trader Pro to Connect (through the "plug in mode")
R | Trader Pro is Rithmic's front-end trading and real-time risk management user interface. You can view quotes, trades, market depth and option strikes in real-time. You can place, modify and cancel orders, and view order history, performance, positions and risk limits. R | Trader supports trailing stops, brackets, OCOs and group orders. R | Trader Pro adds charting features and a real-time interface to and from Microsoft Office Excel and supports single login connectivity for advanced charting/trading via Investor/RT.
Download R | Trader Pro on the Rithmic website.
Effective May 1, 2020, the CME Group requires market data distributors to report the number of concurrent logins a market data subscriber is permitted to access the CME Group market data. The CME group requires that a market data subscriber who is permitted to maintain more than 2 concurrent market data logins be reported as a professional market data subscriber, mandating professional exchange fees, per exchange, for the subscriber.
Rithmic R | Trader Pro, Version 16 and higher can be configured to accept connections from Investor/RT to subscribe to and access market data (live, delayed and/or historical). Investor/RT must connect to R | Trader Pro and log in to R | Trader Pro using the same credentials as used by R | Trader Pro when R | Trader Pro logged in to Rithmic R | Trade Execution Platform, and Investor/RT must be running on the same machine as the R | Trader Pro to which it has connected. When one or more instances of Investor/RT are connected in this fashion (as opposed to connecting directly/remotely to the system/gateway), the CME treats this scenario as one login session.
This option is available by checking the box in Rithmic Setup as seen above. The system/gateway setup in Investor/RT must be the same as the system/gateway setup in R | Trader Pro. The R | Trader Pro software, in its Login settings, must have the Allow Plug-ins option enabled (shown in yellow). Investor/RT is considered a plug-in, another application that will plug into Rithmic Trader Pro. This connection method will be of interest to those running multiple Rithmic instances of Investor/RT on the same machine. An additional benefit for Rithmic users, even when only one instance of Investor/RT is running, is that the features of R | Trader Pro operate in sync with Investor/RT and amplify the user's access to execution services, position and order history, etc.
You have to ensure that your broker has "enabled" the plugin mode for your Rithmic account. This can be verified by checking the "User Profile" and "Market Data Entitlements" information that can be accessed through the corresponding menu inside R Trader Pro. In the User Profile screen, the number "MaxSessionCount" in the first section ("For orders") returns the maximum number of separate sessions that can be connected at the same time to your R Trader Pro instance. The "Market Data Entitlements" screen will confirm the market you can access (including your possible subscription to Market Depth Data)
Note : in case of issues receiving some market data quotes in Investor/RT, first make sure that you can display such market data in R Trader Pro. Open an R Trader Pro DOM and introduce the symbol name. Please note that, in R Trader Pro, you need to add the exchange extension to the usual Rithmic symbol, resulting in instrument names such as ESM4.CME, YMM4.CBOT, GCM4.COMEX, CLM4.NYMEX or FGBL0624.EUREX
More generally, whenever executing trading orders and strategies from any third party platform (including Investor/RT) to a Rithmic account, it is always a good practice to connect using the R Trader Pro Plug in mode so that you can always have a confirmation of your existing positions (or of your resting orders status) using R Trader Pro native reporting features available through their "Trader Dashboard", "Recent Orders" and "Positions" windows.