Button to Synch Market Position - Rithmic

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Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 03/30/2009 - 00:00
Button to Synch Market Position - Rithmic

If you are experiencing issues with IRT periodically getting out of synch with your Rithmic position, we recommend you add a button to your chart that will get it back in synch...
With a button in your chart that submits a "Get Market Position" trading order to Rithmic...Rithmic instantly responds with the broker position for the symbol and RT will self-correct to be in sync with that. To create such a button, you first create a trading order with action "Get Market Position", then add a button to any charts of interest and set it up to execute that trading order. This is purely an administrative order action that will instantly align your RT trading status with what the broker says. You can click the button any time, while in a trade or not, and most certainly when you have any uncertainty whatsoever about the position you see on the IRT side.