More than likely theres something simple that I am doing wrong but I can't seem to get orders to be placed using an automated order system. I am trying to create an automated system but kept getting errors when trying to test in a demo account.
I assumed I messed up somewhere with the custom system I created so I downloaded the definitions here but get the same error message.
"Invalid Limit or Stop Price. Error Code -200"
I tried creating a rule only to buy thinking maybe I there is a conflict with the stop but have the same ongoing issue.
I will bet the solution is easy but for some reason I can't seem to make it work. I am very new to this so I dont have much knowledge with RTL.

After experimenting with the settings further I noticed I have two demo accounts with the brokerage, while the initial one did not allow any orders, the other did. I don't know why the error message only occurred with one demo but not the other, but however since it is working on one of the two demo accounts thats good enough for me. If I have any further issues after more testing with everything I will update the thread, but for now I think the issue is resolved.