Chart crosshairs and text label color

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Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: 09/16/2019 - 07:09
Chart crosshairs and text label color

Is there a way to change color of the text associated with the crosshairs, specifically the price and the date/time that shows along the top of the chart? I have zones marked on my chart and the text is illegible when it appears in those zones so I have to constantly scroll my chart up or down to a point where no zone shows where the price/date show.


Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: 09/16/2019 - 07:09
Followup with screenshot

Would like to follow up on this as it is still an issue for me, see screenshot attached, you can see the price and time in the top band is illegible, it shows up black in the lighter bands, but seems like it is trying to do both black and grey in the darker bands which I have more of.

Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 03/30/2009 - 00:00
Crosshair Price and Infobox

We have a good solution to this issue coming in next release.

We have added a Crosshair Price checkbox to the InfoBox indicator... (see below)

Set the mode to "Mouse Pointer" at top and check only Date/Time and Crosshair Price.  Fine tune the Font and Box Width to your liking.  The InfoBox will now efficiently give you the date/time and price of the crosshair in a static spot that updates dynamically as you move the mouse through the chart pane as seen below.

Once you have the InfoBox settings like you want, open up the preferences and choose Presets > Made Default.

You can then ctrl-drag and drop this to other indicator panes, or drag and drop to other charts.  Find the position in the chart that works best for you.

At this point you can set the crosshair labels to false as seen below and rely on the InfoBox to give you the price and date/time, clearly, regardless of the background color of chart or what is in the chart or where the cursor is.

In the indicator panes, if you'd like to change the display format of the Crosshair Price, you would do so by dbl-clicking in the scale to the right and turning on Custom Markings and setting the Display Format to your liking.  By default, the crosshair will use 99.99 (2 decimal) formatting when Custom Markings are off in the scale.

Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: 09/16/2019 - 07:09
Thanks, this is great, I like

Thanks, this is great, I like the crosshairs though, will I be able to disable the default price and time that are part of the crosshairs and just use the info box for the data?

Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 03/30/2009 - 00:00
CrossHairLabels Config

Yes, that's done by turning off CrossHairLabels config as explained above.

Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 03/30/2009 - 00:00
InfoBox - Crosshair Prices

Investor/RT 14.2.7 Beta (build 33465) is now available and includes the Crosshair Price option inside the InfoBox indicator that is detailed above.  Give it a try and let us know how you like it.