Cross Instrument Trading with the ChartTradingDOM RTX extension..?

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Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: 01/21/2021 - 10:57
Cross Instrument Trading with the ChartTradingDOM RTX extension..?

I'm defining "cross instrument trading" as trading the micro contract from a chart displaying the mini contract. Such as, trading the MES from a chart showing the ES. I can't seem to find this functionality anywhere in IRT. Perhaps I am just blind?

It's a pretty common feature on other platforms, certainly on Bookmap. I think the benefits of this feature should be apparent. I figure it has to exist in IRT, somehow, but I can't seem to find it.

I would like to see it implemented in the ChartTradingDOM RTX extension, by simply being able to chose a different instrument in the DOM than is displayed in the multipane chart. I'm sure the problem is that the DOM extension relies on the data plumbing the chart for its own orderbook data. Therefore, I assume that implementing this request would require some total rewrite of some major data plumbing...and I likely will never see this feature.

I suppose if I wasn't trading the micros, I wouldn't have this problem. luls

If anyone can show me the light of what I am missing or somehow implement this in the ChartTradingDOM RTX extension, that would be great.

Last seen: 6 months 1 day ago
Joined: 07/30/2014 - 16:18
Cross Instrument trading

Hello TonyC,
the good news is that there is no major "plumbing work" required as the feature you are looking for is already existing. There are even different ways to do it..

The first way (and easiest one by far) is to just modify the "brokerage alias" settings within the ES instrument settings. The way you may change this "broker symbol" may depend on your data source / brokerage destination settings (not sure what is your configuration)
In all cases, what will work is just to open your tradinglist Quotepage, right click on one of the column header and add the "Broker symbol" column. Then just type here your alternative brokerage alias...
Lets say you are using Rithmic. then, just introduce for the ESH1 instrument "MESH1" as broker symbol
(if you are using IQfeed as main data feed, then the "brokerage alias" settings will show up by default in the instrument setup window)
This way, you may keep all your existing ES chart and indicators, incl. the DOM - An order introduced on the ESH1 chartingdom interface (or ESH1 trading order desk) will be executed against the micro symbol MESH1

Please note that changing the brokerage alias will only modify the symbol considered on your broker side, aka the IRT order status window (or trading notes report) will still show up that you have entered an ESH1 position. However, if you check on R Trader Pro, you may confirm that the order execution took place for the micro instrument.

If the above approach is not what you are looking for, please be aware that your specific request (having an MES chartingDOM showing up on a ES chart) is also possible. Just add a second (invisible) instrument (aka MES) to your ES chart and then "associate" the existing chartingdom indicator to MES (instead of ES)
This way, trading off the charting DOM will trigger a MESH1 trade while the other indicator showing up on your chart may still be associated to ESH1.
But i would by far recommend to go with the first approach which is much more straight forward as managing different instruments on the same chart may be confusing at first if you are not yet familiar with IRT.


Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: 01/21/2021 - 10:57
worked perfectly

Wow, this is awesome. It worked perfectly. Thank you for taking the time to explain this.

I looked back to see if I missed it somewhere after reading your post about the "Broker Symbol" and I honestly cannot find this info anywhere.

Thank you so much.

PS. yes I am using rithmic for routing plus DTN MA, and now I understand a bit more with using the DTN MA symbol alias, too

Erick Venden
Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
Joined: 08/22/2022 - 20:48
Thanks, Works Great!

I also was looking for this capability. I found this and it works great.