Yes, Signal Markers fire what are called Signal Actions. The setup of the Signal Action is where you specify the name of the sound you wish to be played when the signal action is fired. Any of the built-in sounds or any new ones you add to the /sounds directory can be used. When you place a custom sound file into the sounds directory (a .mp3 or .wav file for example), be sure to name the file without any spaces or special characters in the file name. To test your custom sound file, go to File > Preferences >.Sounds; select the sound file, and click the Preview button. To create a new signal action to play the custom sound, use the Object Manager (Alt+O). Select Signal Action as the object type; click New. Once the new signal action is setup, you may specify that signal action name in the signal marker indicator.
Yes, Signal Markers fire what are called Signal Actions. The setup of the Signal Action is where you specify the name of the sound you wish to be played when the signal action is fired. Any of the built-in sounds or any new ones you add to the /sounds directory can be used. When you place a custom sound file into the sounds directory (a .mp3 or .wav file for example), be sure to name the file without any spaces or special characters in the file name. To test your custom sound file, go to File > Preferences >.Sounds; select the sound file, and click the Preview button. To create a new signal action to play the custom sound, use the Object Manager (Alt+O). Select Signal Action as the object type; click New. Once the new signal action is setup, you may specify that signal action name in the signal marker indicator.
Perfect - thanks.