Export Session Prices Thru FlexLevels

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Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: 03/30/2009 - 00:00
Export Session Prices Thru FlexLevels

This forum post will explain how to export the key prices provided by the SessionPrices (RTX) indicator to the FlexLevels csv file via Reference Lines.

First, add your SessionPrices to your chart which displays the key prices you are interested in.   Also, turn on Store Current Values (as seen below) and choose a series of V#s you'd like to store these into (V#21 thru V#24 will store Full HI,Full LO, IB HI, and IB LO respectively in our example below).

Now add a single Reference Line to your chart, setup to show that same series of V#s...

Now ExportFlexLevels from File > Functions...

This will export your levels (including their appropriate labels) to a csv file and open that file in Excel.

For more information on FlexLeves, visit: https://www.linnsoft.com/techind/flexlevels-rtx