Having an issue with all my User Variable names. Looking for a solution.

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Last seen: 6 hours 52 min ago
Joined: 01/12/2023 - 19:41
Having an issue with all my User Variable names. Looking for a solution.

Im trying to implement some Ref lines on an intraday chart that will show data via User variables from a HTF chart. When i do so all of the names that appear automatically for the variables on the child chart are wrong. After inspecting the User Variable titles in the preferences screen i noticed that very few of my titles were correct. I tried Using the Auto title button and nothing changed. I had a couple of questions pertaining to this...

1. Can the names be reset all at once some how?
2. Is there anyway to set them all via a text file? (I have all the names in a sheet that i maintain and could easily use that to set them all if its possible.)
3, Why did the Auto title button have no effect when i tried using it?
4. Where does the Auto title process get the titles it is going to use so i can correct them all? Or am i just stuck and have to make all changes manually.( Its just over 200 variables so hoping that is avoidable.)



Last seen: 1 hour 39 min ago
Joined: 03/01/2024 - 15:25
About V# Variable title

Hi Dean,

if you manually set a title for a given user variable, the only reason that name would change is

1) you are using the same Variable number simultaneously for 2 different purposes (which is of course never recommended)

2) the second purpose is that this particular User Variable is already used in another chart as part of the feature "Store current Value into V#" associated with one of the following indicators

  • The SessionPrices indicator
  • The Profile indicator (which has 2 features of that type : store VAH/VAL  and store LVN/HVN)
  • The Pivot indicator

As you most likely know, these indicators will automatically change the title of a given user variable based on the type of data being stored.

Please note that

  • Investor/RT is not keeping track of the previous name that has been erased.
  • the goal of the "auto title" process is just to rename the V Variables as per the usage which is done when used inside one of the "store current value into V#s" being activated for one of the 3 previously named indicators

To find out such duplicate use, you should run the "Usage Report" function in the "File > Preference >User Variables" menu with all your charts open at once (better do it offline if you have many charts)

Moreover, please note that if you import a chart from a third source, and that chart does include, for example, a Sessionprices indicator already setup with "the Store current values into V#" activated, then the corresponding V# variable will inherit the name as set in the Session Prices indicator of that imported chart...

Finally, be aware that the only other way (i am aware of) to override an existing User Variable name would be to import a Quote Page definition that would include V# variables as QP columns

Conclusion: if you never use twice the same V# variable for a "dual purpose", the title should not be modified. (Otherwise, you need to track down and remove such dual use)

Best Regards,







Last seen: 1 hour 39 min ago
Joined: 03/01/2024 - 15:25
Hi Dean,

Hi Dean,

if you manually set a title for a given user variable, the only reason that name would change is

1) you are using the same Variable number simultaneously for 2 different purposes (which is of course never recommended)

2) the second purpose is that this particular User Variable is already used in another chart as part of the feature "Store current Value into V#" associated with one of the following indicators

  • The SessionPrices indicator
  • The Profile indicator (which has 2 features of that type : store VAH/VAL  and store LVN/HVN)
  • The Pivot indicator

As you most likely know, these indicators will automatically change the title of a given user variable based on the type of data being stored.

Please note that

  • Investor/RT is not keeping track of the previous name that has been erased.
  • the goal of the "auto title" process is just to rename the V Variables as per the usage which is done when used inside one of the "store current value into V#s" being activated for one of the 3 previously named indicators

To find out such duplicate use, you should run the "Usage Report" function in the "File > Preference >User Variables" menu with all your charts open at once (better do it offline if you have many charts)

Moreover, please note that if you import a chart from a third source, and that chart does include, for example, a Sessionprices indicator already setup with "the Store current values into V#" activated, then the corresponding V# variable will inherit the name as set in the Session Prices indicator of that imported chart...

Finally, be aware that the only other way (i am aware of) to override an existing User Variable name would be to import a Quote Page definition that would include V# variables as QP columns

Conclusion: if you never use twice the same V# variable for a "dual purpose", the title should not be modified. (Otherwise, you need to track down and remove such dual use)

Best Regards,







Last seen: 6 hours 52 min ago
Joined: 01/12/2023 - 19:41


Thanks for the info. Im assuming my issue must have occurred as a result of me importing charts from the site and from importing Quote Page Definitions i didnt realize had certain variables in use. Now i understand the benefits of using multiple instances of Investor RT. Should have added a 3rd one as a Dev environment when i added my 2nd one for my exporting of data.

Also, upon further review last night, i realized i didnt have as many that were wrong as i originally thought. I had looked at the wrong column in my sheet that i use to keep track of all the variables i have assigned. One thing i did notice though is that i had quite a few that were set that were no longer assigned anywhere in the system and Auto title wouldnt clear their previous names(not sure if its supposed to). I ended up removing those manually. But i still have over 50 that wont populate. They all continue to show (untitled) in the user variable list in preferences when i use auto title. They are all set in CI's. Ive tried with the charts they are on open and closed. All my other variables set in CI's have been populated correctly. Should i open a ticket?



Last seen: 1 hour 39 min ago
Joined: 03/01/2024 - 15:25


This is the right conclusion (use different instances of Investor/RT..) Please note that the webpage explaining the process for installing multiple instances has just been updated one week ago 


Pushing the "AutoTitle" button will only have an impact on variables that are involved in one of the "Store current values into V#"  features of the Session Prices, Profile or Pivot indicators, (ie all indicators allowing you to store multiple values into successive V# at once and requiring therefore the naming process to know who is who) . It won't have any effects on Variable which are used inside the generic feature "store current value into V#" of the Custom indicator. (ie they won't get any name automatically generated)

If the title of such variables is blank (or has been reseted by a wrong manipulation ie Chart or Qp import), there is no other way than adding again manually the corresponding title through the file > preferences > user variables menu 

Similarly, if you have some "unused" variables, autotitle won't reset their former names, you have to do it (as IRT can t know for sure you have not any further use for them)


Last seen: 6 hours 52 min ago
Joined: 01/12/2023 - 19:41


Been busy with some other things and just saw this tonight. Thank you for clarifying that.
