Heiken-Ashi Bar Issue

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Rick Freeman
Last seen: 10 months 1 week ago
Joined: 08/03/2016 - 09:28
Heiken-Ashi Bar Issue

Hey, All - I've just re-joined IRT and am having an issue with Heiken-Ashi bars printing correctly and wanted to find out if anyone else has or is having this same problem. The issue is after I add an HA layer to an intraday price chart that's not time-based, but rather either a volume or tick bar, subsequent bars aren't printing and in using a bar countdown annotation all the subsequent volume or ticks on what should be the future bars are just accumulating on the counter, going negative, after the completion of the first bar when the HA layer is added. Once the HA layer is on its first bar, the chart isn't advancing forward with future bars and the type of bar, in this case, volume or ticks, is just accumulating the future bars volume and ticks on the first HA bar, which is also the last bar on the chart at that point, leaving the chart standing still. I'm wondering if an HA layer can only be added to time-based charts? I'm not sure what the issue would be with non-time-based bars since the HA calculation would remain the same, regardless of bar type. Would appreciate any thoughts/guidance/feedback anyone might have if they've experienced the same issue and have been able to resolve it so non-time-based bars can use an HA layer. Thanks, all!

Last seen: 6 months 4 days ago
Joined: 07/30/2014 - 16:18
Hi Rick,

Hi Rick,
welcome back ! I have been just running an Heikin Ashi layer on a 1000 volume bar chart for ES (and also 100tick periodicity) with live datafeed without any kind of issue, ie every new bar printing as expected
Please import this chart definition and see if you are experiencing the issue on your IRT instance
and do not hesitate to share your chart definition to see if your issue can be reproduced...