Multiple High and Low Price Alerts

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Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
Joined: 03/30/2009 - 00:00
Multiple High and Low Price Alerts

The chart below uses reference lines attached to C# Chart Variables to implement multiple high and low price alerts.

The two blue lines represent the high alert prices and can be dragged and dropped anywhere above the current price to set a high alert.  The red lines are low alert prices and can be dragged and dropped to any price below current price.

Chart Definition:

Buttons have been added to the chart to adjust the C# variables which are linked to the high and low alert prices (C#1 and C#2 for the high alerts and C#3 or C#4 for the low alerts).  So the alert prices may be adjusted by usign the buttons and typing the price or simply dragging and dropping the line on a new price.  When the line is drag/dropped, the price in the corresponding button will update dynamically.

The high alerts are setup to Play Corkpop and the low alerts are setup to Play Buzzer.  Edit this to your preference.

Lines can be reset and reused throughout the session as they are touched/triggered.

More lines may be added and attached to C#5, C#6, etc.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this chart simply respond to this topic.