SessionPrices and Charts

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Chuck Beauregard
Last seen: 6 years 9 months ago
Joined: 03/17/2017 - 20:37
SessionPrices and Charts

Not sure if this is the correct section for this question(s) but here goes.

I'm using "isSessionPricesRTX" to get various prices displayed in the right margin. I have button to switch to different time periods, 24hr, Overnight & Day.

Ideally I'd like to have the time session control the display of "isSessionsPrices", meaning only show RTH prices when RTH session is displayed. I know I could do this with a button, and three "isSessionsPrices" indicators, but can I do it automatically when I change sessions?

Second, the labelling for the prices isn't consistent. How do I get at the labelling for SessionPrices to make them consistent. For example. ONMID is displayed right justified while all other ON prices are left justified. IBHI /IBLO which I'd consider RTH stats are centered but none of the other RTH prices are.

Third, how do I get a list of the items available for text boxes, like %ticker, or %startdate. I want to display the date on the chart when it changes. I'm saving images of charts for my trade log but there aren't any dates on the chart only times.

Thanks in advance.