Hi, I am running 5 instances of IRT and every morning when I get on my PC I have these 2 boxes that pop up for each instance running so it becomes a bit annoying. I run manual backups every few days when I think I need them and store them securely so I don't have a need for auto backups and I will handle the update when I am ready. Hoping there is a way to suppress these boxes.

By default, Investor/RT checks for the availability of new general releases of the platform on each startup. If one is available, Investor/RT will fetch the installer automatically and ask you at startup whether you wish to install it now. If you confirm, Investor/RT will exit and auto-launch the installer. If you decline, then Investor/RT will inform you later when you exit the application that a new version is ready to install and ask if you wish to install it as part of the exit process.
If you wish you can opt out of this behavior. You will not be notified when new releases are availabe. Each instance of RT has its own settings so if you opt out on 4 of the 5, the remaining instance will let you know when updates are available and you can apply the same update installer to each of your instances at your convenience. To opt out, use the File Menu:
By default, Investor/RT makes a full backup of your database each day. In addtion, Investor/RT creates restore points without archiving any historical data which can be use to restore all database content other than historical data to the date/time the restore point was created. If it has been more than 4 days since the date of the last full backup, Investor/RT issues a warning/reminder of this fact and prompts to make a backup at startup. There is no user setting to suppress this prompting in RT 14.2.6 and earlier, or RT 13.7.11 and earlier.
When RT 14.2.7 and 13.7.12 are released, a configuration variable named BackupReminderDays will become available to enable user control of the frequency of this reminder. If you wish to see this reminder only every 30 days, change BackupReminderDays from the default, 4 days, to 30 days. If you wish to suppress this reminder entirely, when for example you have your own backup methods in place, then simply set BackupReminderDays to 0. Zero days means no backup reminders. Setting BackupReminderDays to any large number would have the same practical effect.
Perfect, thank you. Is a backup the same as "create restore point" ? I create restore points with full data twice a week or so but the backup prompt doesn't seem to recognize that.
Investor/RT 14 uses the restore point feature to make backups now. The daily backup produced by RT is a full restore point with historical data, saved in the archives directory and named BackupDatabase.dba. The file is overwritten each time you perform a backup function. As you know, in Database and Backup Preferences you can specify that a backup be made when RT starts, and/or exits, and/or at some designated time of day. These backups are noted in the database; the date/time of the most recent RT backup is the basis for the backup reminder prompt in question here. Manually created restore points have different timestamped names and can include or exclude historical data. User created restore points do not change the noted "last backup date".