Dynamic Tokenized Strings in Indicator Text and Labels

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Dynamic Tokenized Strings in Indicator Text and Labels

Most users are familiar with the use of RTL Tokens when compositing Custom Indicators, Signals, or Scans, but Tokens can be used in other areas of Investor/RT as well.  By simply placing a % in front of the token, then underlying data/information can be displayed dynamically in a variety (any) charted indicator, including.

  • Horizontal Reference Line Labels
  • Annotation Indicator Text
  • Trendline, Zig Zag, and Regression Line Labels (Choose Label: User Specified...)
  • Signal Markers (Show Text)
  • Watermark Custom Text
  • Text Label of ANY Indicator (the text label at bottom of all indicators at the bottom of the preference window is used to label values next to scale and can also be a tokenized string)

In addition to this Comprehensive List of RTL Tokens, there are a numbrer of additional tokens that are more targeted for use in text of charted indicators.  These tokens access chart specific or instrument specific data.  A list of such tokens along with a description of what they provide can be found at bottom of this post.  To access token data in indicator labels and text, simply put a percent % in front of the token.  Below is an example of Annotation Text and the resulting chart display.  In annotation, \n results in a newline allowing for multi-line annotations from a single instance.

Token Descripton Example
DATE Date and time of last recieved quote on the underlying symbol 02/02/2018 10:15:28
@1, @2 For Custom Instruments, provides respective underlying component @ES#
DTHM Curent Date Time with Hours Minutes 02/03 11:49
DTHMS Current Date Time with Hours Minutes Seconds 02/03 11:49:32
DAYNAME Day of Week Friday
MSG Shows last message that was posted to the message bar Data Loaded 0.17 Seconds
DESTACCT Brokerage Destination Trading Simulator
ACCT Trading Account  
ACCOUNT Trading Account  
CR Carriage Return  
TIME Time of last trade received 16:14:59
NOW Current Time (hh:mm:ss) 12:17:45
CCNAME Custom Column Name - Used When CC Alert Triggers Schedule  
CCRULE Custom Column Rule - Used When CC Alert Triggers Schedule  
CCTICKER Custom Column Ticker - Used When CC Alert Triggers Schedule  
DIR Investor/RT Working Director C:\Users\Tom\InvestorRT\
DBDIR Directory in which the Investor/RT database (data_f folder) resides C:\Users\Tom\InvestorRT\
VER Current Version of Investor/RT 13.2.2
TR_STATE Current Live Trading State/Position of underlying symbol LONG 2
TR_STOPTARG Active stop/target orders if applicable  
START Starting Date Time of Chart View Period 01/29/2018 16:30
STARTDATE Starting Date of Chart View Period 01/29/2018
DRAWTIME Time (in milliseconds) require to draw chart 1ms
BARSVISIBLE Number of Bars in visible display of chart 58
BARCOUNT Number of Bars loaded in chart 1092
SESSION Session number of chart 31
SESNAME Name of session of chart 24 Hour Session
SESSSTART Start time of session of chart 16:30
SESSTOP Stop time of session of chart 16:15
BARLEFT Time left in bar for time-based periodicities.  Price moved needed to complete bar for price-based periodicities (Renko, Range).  Volume left for volume bars.  Ticks left for tickbars.  When session closed, shows time to start of next session. 02:34
BARPCT Percentage of current bar completed.  If current bar of 1000 volume bar has 100 contracts, then BARPCT shows 10% 10%
T#1 Text Variable (File > Preferences > User Variables) NEARING DAY SESSION HIGH
V#1 User Variables (File > Preferences > User Variables)  
C#1 Chart Variables  
RETENTION Tick and 1-minute data retention settings 20d ticks, 500d intra
PERIOD Periodicity of chart 5m*