Trail of Intentions

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Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 03/26/2012 - 00:00
Trail of Intentions

Is there a way to configure IRT to record data so that I can play back the Trail of Intentions indicator and see the indicator active as if in a live market? My DTN IQFeed data subscription includes level 2 and historical data but the indicator on the chart doesn't appear to populate the price ladder values outside of live market action.

Trail of Intentions History

There is currently no way to playback depth.  With each tick, we store the last price, volume, bid price, ask price, and datetime.  We do not store the 20 levels of depth. At some point we may implement such a feature but not available today.  Only playback option would be to scroll back chart and start scroll forward 1 bar at a time after collecting TINT data for some period of time.

Trail of intentions : "Alternate Symbol" checkbox

Could you confirm the purpose of this feature ?
Thank you

Alternate Symbol

To present the TINT (depth trail) of one symbol while charting another symbol.  Some user make use of this when charting a custom instrument (possibly spread) but wanting to see the depth/book of one of the components (or both).

thanks for the clarification

thanks for the clarification


Any plans to enable TINT for CQG?


TINT should work fine with CQG.  Let us know if you're having any specific problems.  You do have to activate the Market Depth Analysis Package in your IRT subscription ($10/mo).

Trail of Intentions works

Trail of Intentions works with CQG just fine. If you are having an issue, right click the chart and choose Market Depth just to confirm that you are getting all ten levels of depth from your feed provider.

I'm sorry, only just now saw

I'm sorry, only just now saw the replies. I can confirm that it is working with CQG. What made me doubt was that it is not listed here:

Looking forward to playing around with it. Any chance bid/ask size and change will be added to the ZIG and ZZO tokens?

Thanks again to both of you.