Yahoo Finance EOD data is no longer working.

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Last seen: 7 years 10 months ago
Joined: 04/01/2010 - 00:00
Yahoo Finance EOD data is no longer working.

I use Yahoo Finance as the data source for EOD data, but it is no longer working. Updating IRT has not fixed it. What else should I check?


Last seen: 3 weeks 6 hours ago
Joined: 06/03/2011 - 00:00
Yahoo FInance Historical Data

Yahoo Finance has recently revised the protocol for retrieval of daily bar historical data to require secure encrypted communications, https protocol. Investor/RT supports http access to Yahoo Finance but at the present time lacks the https protocol support required to retrieve historical data. All Investor/RT users who have been relying Yahoo Finance historical data downloading must use an alternative data source. Adding DTN Market Access historical services to the subscription is recommend as the replacement. To add a DTN historical account to your LinnSoft subscription, login to your account at and in the subscriptions tab, click Manage Subscription.

We have received reports from users of the Investor/RT End-of-Day edition that Yahoo current quotes continues to function. Thus far, only the historical access requires https.

We are considering whether to adopt https protocol into Investor/RT but at this time this is not a priority undertaking and new developments are not excepted near term.