Paint Indicator 2.0 (RTX) New Drawing Options

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This video highlights a number of exciting new drawing options available in version 2.0 of the Paint Indicator (RTX). New vertical positioning options are available including Offset from Top, Offset from Bottom, Offset from High, and Offset from Low. Six new drawing styles exist including Stack Blocks, Stack Dots, Dots (Custom), Blocks (Custom), Circle (Custom) and Square (Custom). These styles offer a great deal of flexibility with respect to horizontal positioning of the drawn shape within each bar and enable users to maximize the horizontal space available. A variable width option is now available allowing the blocks, dots, lines or histograms to be drawn in different sizes based on the magnitude of an underlying custom indicator. The new gradient option shades the blocks, dots, lines, or histograms a color gradient between two user-specified colors based on the value of the custom indicator.