Pace of Trade. Number of Trades, Volume, and Average Size of last 30 seconds (6 5-sec bars). Trades (purple), Avg Size (red) and Avg Volume (blue). This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 13.2.2 showing symbol: @ES#.
Chart uses Multiple Price Highlighter to extend key prices while naked. Prices extended include VPOC (gold), Buy Imbalance (green), Sell Imbalance (red) and Unfinished Business (pink). This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 13.2.2 showing symbol: @ES#.
Trade Dots alerts to large trades (> 100). Use button at top to control the sizes (red button). Separate alerts for buy trades (ask) vs sell trades (bid) with 2 instances of Trade Dots. This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 13.2.2 showing symbol: @ES#.
Chart counts the number of moves (zig zag legs) within each session by using MPD on ZZO. Use blue button at top to control the minimum size of moves (in ticks). This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 13.2.2 showing symbol: @ES#.