
VolumeRangeTimeOfDay (@ES#)

Volume And Range for 30 Minute Period of Session - Use Button at Top to control offset into session. For instance, Start Min = 30 gives 30 minutes into session to 60 minutes into session. This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 13.2.2 showing symbol: @ES#.

DayChangeLookbackVariable (@ES#)

Day Change Lookback - Compare today's Day Change price movement from open with that of any past days. Use the buttons at top to control the number of days back (2 overlays).

DayChangeLookback (@ES#)

Day Change Chart eliminates overnight move and compares moves from session open. Today (pink), Yesterday (black), 2 Days Back (burgandy), 3 Days Back (green), 4 Days Back (gold), and 5 Days Back (blue).
