
ES 1 Min TICK CL (@ES#)

Chad: here is another error that showed up iafter the last updates. The zigzag (time) shows only 6:30, I've deleted the 3 that were on the chart, and reloaded this one to try to correct, but same problem. Same on on other charts is working fine. This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 13.1.5 showing symbol: @ES#.

ES 15 Sec Tick (@ES#)

Chad : here is that chart, Shawn asked about the price scale set-up, so you can check it. I've not changed the chart, use the auto settings. This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 13.1.5 showing symbol: @ES#.

DepthMultiLevel (@ES#)

Trail of Intentions with 3 levels (turquoise / green / yellow) controlled by the buttons at top. This chart was uploaded by Investor/RT 13.1.4 showing symbol: @ES#.
