The PivotStrategyOptimizer (PSO) builds upon the PivotStrategyAnalysis PSA) indicator to create an extremely powerful combination. PSO enables the optimization of any combination of a number of variables within PSA, allowing the user to quickly determine the optimal combination of values which would have resulted in maximized profits. PSO can optimize the target, stop, reset distance, frontrun wiggle, allowable trading hours, number of allowable trades/day, or an infinite array of other variables within the custom indicator upon which the PSA is based.
The PivotStrategyOptimizer (PSO) builds upon the PivotStrategyAnalysis (PSA) indicator to create an extremely powerful combination. PSO enables the optimization of any combination of a number of variables within PSA, allowing the user to quickly determine the optimal combination of values which would have resulted in maximized profits. PSO can optimize the target, stop, reset distance, frontrun wiggle, allowable trading hours, number of allowable trades/day, or an infinite array of other variables within the custom indicator upon which the PSA is based.
The PaintCandles RTX Extension allows the user to decorate candles in a variety of ways. The user may choose to decorate all candles, or just candles which meet a given condition (signal). Decoration options include the width in pixels, the Position relative to the candle (in pixels offset from candle) and whether to draw inside or outside of the candle. Up to 4 painting options are available in each instance of PaintCandles, with one option to decorate all candles, and 3 options to decorate candles that meet 3 different conditions (signals).
The PaintCandles RTX Extension decorates candlesticks in a variety of ways. The user may choose to decorate all candles or just those candles that meet a specific condition determined by an RTL Signal . Decoration options include the width in pixels, the Position relative to the candle (in pixels offset from candle) and whether to draw inside or outside of the candle. Up to 4 painting options are available in each instance of PaintCandles, one to decorate all candles and three options to decorate candles based on an RTL Signal being true for that candle (bar).
This video describes a variety of effective ways to use C# variables within the PivotStrategyAnalysis to quickly change parameters with instant feedback. It also explains how to use C# variables within a custom indicator to filter trades by day of week, and to ignore trades for the first few days of the chart.
The PivotStrategyAnalysis RTX Extension allows the user to specify any key daily or weekly price level such as previous high, previous close, or overnight VPOC, and analyze the effectiveness of that level as a pivot point during the following session or week. The indicator provides for a variety of convenient options including stop, target, frontrun wiggle, reset distance, nature of system, trade limits, and time filters. The frontrun wiggle determines how far ahead of the level, if any, to enter the trade (defaults to 0).
The PivotStrategyAnalysis (PSA) RTX Extension allows the user to specify any key daily or weekly price level such as previous high, previous close, or overnight VPOC, and analyze the effectiveness of that level as a pivot point during the following session or week. The indicator provides for a variety of convenient options including stop, target, frontrun wiggle, reset distance, nature of system, trade limits, and time filters. The frontrun wiggle determines how far ahead of the level, if any, to enter the trade (defaults to 0).