
How do I implement a stop and/or target in a trading system?

Assuming you have a system that goes both long (with BUY action) and short (with SELLSHORT action). And let's also assume we want to implement both a stop and a target on both the long and short trades. Let's also assume that we want the target to be 50 cents and the stop to be 25 cents.

In RTL, the token ENTRY gives us the entry price of any position. This token makes implementing stops and targets relatively simple.

How do I implement a trailing stop in a trading system?

Assuming you have a system that goes both long (with BUY action) and short (with SELLSHORT action). And let's also assume we want to implement a trailing stop on both the long and short trades.

Create the following two signals:



Identifying Symbol Groups in QuotePages

We'll need to create a scan that we'll use to set a T# variable (we'll just use T#1 in our case) to the name of the quotepage (or something close to that name). We'll assume for this example that you have 3 quotepages with names of "GroupA", "GroupB", and "GroupC". The syntax of our scan will be as follows: SET(T#1, GroupA)

How are Forex symbols setup for the Interactive Brokers data source?

The IB Version now supports improved setup and chart backfill for currency pairs, e.g. EUR.USD, JPY.USD, etc. When adding such instruments via the Setup: Instruments window. choose "Forex" as the security type. IRT automatically sets up the Underlying Symbol and the Currency for the instrument by extracting this information from the ticker symbol, e.g. the ticker EUR.USD results in EUR as Underlying and USD as currency.

How do I setup a forex instrument with IB and IDEALPRO exchange?

When using Interactive Brokers ( IB ) with Investor/RT, there is a simple setup and chart backfill for currency pairs, e.g. EUR.USD, JPY.USD, etc. When adding such instruments via the Setup: Instruments window. choose Forex as the security type. Investor/RT automatically sets up the Underlying Symbol and the Currency for the instrument by extracting this information from the ticker symbol, e.g. the ticker EUR.USD results in EUR as Underlying and USD as currency.

How do I turn off all the alarms I have setup? Can I put them "on hold" and reactivate them all later?

You have to do some setup work; thereafter it will be a one keystroke operation to suspend all alarms or turn alarm monitoring back on again. Here's how:

Create a schedule that runs a scan. The scan will scan the .All Symbols quotepage, examining every instrument. The scan will turn OFF the alarm monitoring options for each instrument, putting them on hold, the alarm levels will still be in place, just the monitoring state will be turned off.

How do I know when new versions of Investor/RT are available?

Visit the  Download Center for the most recent version of Investor/RT.

Setup > Preferences > Mail and Internet has a Check for Updates check box; when checked, Investor/RT will notify you at start up when a new release of the software is available and offer to download it. If you elect to turn off the automatic checking, you can check manually from time to time by choosing Check for Updates from the Investor/RT Help Menu.

I would like to be able to optimize column widths in Portfolios but, I would like to have the preference set for actual data rather than column headings as sometimes the column headings are substantially larger than the data.

This capability has been available in the portfolio for a long time. It was not implemented with an explicit user option in the portfolio preferences however, like it is in the quotepage preferences. When you right-click on any column in a portfolio and choose Optimize Column Widths you get the effect of Size to Show Full Column Title as you have discovered. If you want "Size to Show First Word of Title" then hold down the shift key while making the "Optimize..." menu selection.
