PaintIndicator (RTX)

The PaintIndicator RTX extension allows users to paint any indicator based on a variety of conditions and draw using some new and unique drawing styles. Up to 6 painting conditions may be specified with each condition giving options to paint based on an indicators value relative to a constant number, an indicators value relative to another indicator, or based on a signal being true. Any custom indicator can be used as the basis for the PaintIndicator. The PaintIndicator has it's own base color which will be used when none of the paint conditions apply. If any paint condition applies the indicator will be drawn in that color, with conditions lower down in the preference window taking priority if multiple conditions apply on any given bar. Several attractive drawing options are available to PaintIndicator including: Line, Dots, Dotted Line, Histogram, Rounded Histogram, and Filled Histogram. All drawing styles have an optional border color.


Paint Prefs

  • Location - Location Options include Custom Indicator, Offset from Top, Offset From Bottom, and Custom Indicator Offset.
  • Cust Indicator - The Custom Indicator which will be charted using the specified style and optionally painted.  This Custom Indicator is only used if the Location is set to Custom Indicator.  Otherwise, the style will be drawn at proper offset from top/bottom/high/low.
  • Lower Band - The Lower Band custom indicator is only applicable/visible when the style is either Band or Band (Custom).  This Lower Band provides one side of the band, working with the primary custom indicator to provide the other side.
  • Color - The base color used to draw the indicator.  This color will be overridden by a painted or gradient color below if conditions are true.
  • Style - Drawing style options which include: Lines, Dots, Dotted Lines, Histogram, Rounded Histogram, and Filled Histogram, Bands, Paint Background (w/Line), Paint Background (No Line), Stacked Blocks, Stacked Dots, Dots (Custom), Blocks (Custom), Squares (Custom), Shapes (Custom), and Bands (Custom).  All the (Custom) options have horizontal positioning options through the slices and offset parameters.
  • Shape - This list is only applicable when the style is set to Shape (Custom).  Shape options include Circle, Diamond, Arrow, Triangle, Wedge, Flag, Laser, Hammer, Plus, Clock, and Label Only.
  • Width/Side - Width will control the width, side, or thickness of the drawn style.  This width will be overridden by the variable size option at bottom if that is applicable.
  • Border - Optional color and thickness of a border drawn around the painted style.
  • Slices and Offset - Applicable only for the (Custom) styles.  The bar is sliced up horizontally, and then the shape or style is drawn at the proper horizontal offset.  For instance, if Slices is 5 and offset is 2, and the bar width is 50, then the bar will be horizontally sliced up into five 10-pixels segements, and the style will be drawn at the 2nd offset (from 10 pixels to 20 pixels from left of bar) and will be centered on 15 pixels from left of bar.
  • Paint Tips - This option is available when drawing histograms and will result in the histogram painting just the tops when the value is above or below the specified values in the respective painting condition.
  • Oscillate About - Histograms will typically oscillate about 0 but the user may customize to oscillate about another value like 50, 100, or -50.
  • Paint When - Up to 6 paint conditions, each with these options: Value..., Value > Indicator, Value < Indicator, Signal True, and Indicator Value.... The "Value.." option provides another listbox with these options, >, <, >=, <=, =, and between, allowing comparison of the indicators value to a constant numerical value specified by the user. Value > Indicator and Value < Indicator allows comparison of the base indicator with the values of any other custom indicator. The "Indcator Value..." option provides the same choices, but operates on another user-specified custom indicator, instead of the primary indicator provided at top.  Signal True allows the user to choose any signal and the indicator will be colored when that signal is true.
  • Gradient CI - This is a powerful option that allows painting of the indicator using a gradient between 2 user-specified colors based upon any chosen custom indicator.  For instance, CCI could be chosen as the underlying custom indicator, and a gradient from red to blue could be specified from -150 to +150.  When values are -150, the color will be solid red and when + 150 it will be solid blue.  With the "Background Blend" turned on, the color will blend from red towards the background color at values between -150 and 0 and from background color towards blue for values from 0 to +150.
  • Variable Size - Variable Size operates on the same concept as Gradient CI, but this time adusting the size of the drawn style based on the value of an underlying custom indicator.  The user specifies the range of values of the custom indicator, along with the corresponding range of sizes (in pixels) from the indicator style and the shape/style will be drawn with a dynamic size on each bar.
  • Label - Two label options are available for each bar with choices including CI (Primary), Text, CI (Gradient), CI (Sizing), and Time.  If CI (Primary) is chosen, the primary value of the primary custom indicastor specified at the top will be used for the label.  CI (Gradient) will use the Gradient CI for labelling while CI (Sizing) will using the Variable Size custom indicator.  The "Text" option allows user to type in any custom text string and that can include %tokens like %C#1, %V#1, %LAST, etc.  The "Time" option wil label with time in hh:mm(:ss) format, with seconds only showing if non-zero (won't show on minute bar charts).  Labels have position options of Above, Below, Left, Right, Overlay.  A font size and display format option is also available for the labels.
Paint Indicator Chart (RTX)
The Paint Indicator allows users to paint any indicator based on a variety of conditions and draw using unique drawing styles. Up to 4 painting conditions may be specified with each...

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